
Utility providers require products that can handle both unexpected use and surges, as well as the ever-changing environment. Ideal Tridon Groups' deep portfolio of stainless steel clamps, cushioned clamps, strut channel, and strapping solutions are critical components for utility providers. Contact us to learn more about the Ideal Tridon Group companies.

Suction Hose Couplings
Suction Hose Couplings
Ball & Socket Couplings
Ball & Socket Couplings
Crimpnology™ Nipples, Flanges, and Unions
Crimpnology™ Nipples, Flanges, and Unions
Male Swivel
Male Swivel
Hose Unions
Hose Unions
Cam & Groove Couplings
Cam & Groove Couplings
Ground Joints for Steam & High Pressure Air
Ground Joints for Steam & High Pressure Air
Heavy Duty Viton® Seal Air Hammer Couplings
Heavy Duty Viton® Seal Air Hammer Couplings
Interlocking U-Bolt Clamps
Interlocking U-Bolt Clamps
Utility Air Couplings
Utility Air Couplings
Crimpnology™ Crimp Sleeves & Ferrules
Crimpnology™ Crimp Sleeves & Ferrules